Practice Quiz

Chapter 1
Scientific Understanding of Behavior

Here are some questions for a practice quiz. The questions are multiple-choice and true-false. They may not resemble the questions that your professor may ask on a test. That is, the questions on your class exams may be more difficult and may include essay and short answer questions.

When you get your score, you will be shown the correct answers. Take the quiz as many times as you like.

1. Accepting the information in professor's lecture without asking about the basis of the information is a reliance on authority.

2. Intuition and authority can be good sources of ideas.

3. Applied research is not guided by the theories and findings of basic research.

4. The statement, "Interviewers rate job applicants more favorably when they are wearing a pleasant scent than when they have no scent" is an example of:
description of behavior.
prediction of behavior.
explanation of behavior.

5. The statement, "A pleasant scent increases favorability of ratings because the scent creates a positive emotional state in the interviewer" is an example of:
description of behavior.
prediction of behavior.
explanation of behavior.

6. An empirical test of an idea about behavior must be conducted so the idea can either be supported or refuted.

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